The Beelzebufo is a creature in ARK: Survival Evolved
It is a carnivore of species Beelzebufo palucocus
Taming a Beelzebufo[edit]
Use Raw Meat.
2-3 tranq darts should be enough to stun a low level Beelzebufo.
Riding a Beelzebufo[edit]
You can ride a Beelzebufo using a Beelzebufo Saddle which is unlocked at level 25
Beelzebufo Location[edit]
Beelzebufos can be found in the Swamp Biome.
Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]
- The Beelzebufo is a good mount for traveling since it can jump over obstacles, swim, and breath underwater.
- The Beelzebufo's stamina will recharge quickly while swimming.
- Use RMB to have the Beelzebufo attack with it's tongue, similar to a frog.
- Using the tongue attack on a corpse of a Dragonfly will yield a good amount of Cementing Paste.
- An Argentavis can pick up the Beelzebufo.
Beelzebufo Dossier[edit]
- The Beelzebufo is also known as the "Devil Toad".