A Carbon Saddle in ARK Survival Evolved.

The Carbonemys Saddle is a Saddle in ARK: Survival Evolved

You can equip the carbo saddle on a tamed Carbonemys to ride it.

Craft Carbonemys Saddle[edit]

To craft the Carbonemys Saddle, the following materials are required: 170 x Hide, 95 x Fiber, 10 x Cementing Paste

Carbonemys Saddle Level[edit]

Minimum lvl to unlock the Carbonemys Saddle Engram is level 25.

You need to spend 12 Engram Points to unlock the recipe.

Engram: Carbonemys Saddle
Engram: Carbonemys Saddle

Carbonemys Saddle Stats[edit]

  • Armor: 50
  • Weight: 20

New players Advice[edit]

  • The Carbonemys is a good starter water mount.

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • The Carbonemys is slow (well, it is a turtle...) but can carry a lot.


  • Carbonemys are now extinct.
  • The Carbonemys's jaws were so massive, they could eat a crocodile.

Also see[edit]
