Participating in a combat trial in Absolver.

Combat Trials are a sort of PvP challenges in Absolver.

There are the following game modes when you do a combat trial:

  • 1v1: A traditional duel to the death, to determine the most valorous combatants.
    • Objective: Kill your opponent three times to win the game.
  • 3v3: Currently not available.

Participate and/or win in combat trails to advance in ranks and get various rewards

When you get to rank 50 you unlock your own Fighting School.

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • You get 1 point for participating in the combat trial.
  • You can 1 point for doing well.
  • You get 1 point for defeating the opponent.
  • This means that you get a total of from 1 to 3 points for each combat trial.
  • It takes 5 points to advance a rank
  • Combat trials also award you experience points and let you level up faster.
  • You can access combat trials through the Altars.

See also[edit]