After waking up inside an Alien Carapce, Winter must escape the sewers in A:CM.

The Raven is the fifth mission in Aliens: Colonial Marines


Winter had been separated from O'Neal and woke up inside some Alien Carapace. He must now escape the sewers and reunite with the other marines.



Find a Way Out of the Sewers

Find the Elevator

Get to the Comm Tower to Find Bella and Reid

Rescue Reid

Get Reid to the Comm Tower to Restore the Uplink

Protect Reid while she Restores the Uplink

Rendezvous with Bella and Reid back at Operations

Find O'Neal

Use the Powerloader to Survive

Special Projects[edit]

Dog Tags[edit]


Audio Logs[edit]


Legendary Weapons[edit]

1/1: Hudson's Pulse Rifle

Previous Mission[edit]

No Hope in Hadley's

Next Mission[edit]

For Bella