Tracker Ability in Apex Legends. This is one of Bloodhound's abilities.

Tracker is one of the Abilities in Apex Legends.

This ability belongs to Bloodhound.

It is his Passive Ability.


Foes leave behind clues for you to find.

These clues appear as footmarks, arrows, etc, giving you a hint on where the enemy went and his actions. See notes below.


Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • The tracks (and other clues) leave visible traces for 60 secs. If it's been more than 60 secconds since enemy was there, you will not see the tracks.
  • Remember there may be other teams nearby so be careful not to focus too much on one enemy team and get distracted and killed by a different one that is hunting you down.


Actions you see traces of include:

  • Footsteps
  • Slides
  • Doors opened
  • Doors destroyed
  • Foes being hurt
  • Foes being killed
  • Item pickups
  • Weapon pickups
  • Enemy used zipline
  • Portals from Wraith's Dimensional Rift ability
  • Pulled Frag Grenade pins
  • Bandaged wounds
  • Care Packages opened recently.
  • Emptied magazines
  • Vaults over obstacles
  • Landings
  • Smoke residue from Bangalore's Smoke Launcher ability
  • Gas residue from Caustic's Nox Gas Trap and Nox Gas Grenade abilities
  • Gibraltar's Dome of Protection Activation

All Bloodhound Abilitiles[edit]

Ability Type Ability Name Ability Description
Passive Ability Tracker Reveal traps, hidden foes, and clues at structures in front of you for a short time.
Tactical Ability Eye of the Allfather Foes leave behind tracks for you to find.
Ultimate Ability Beast of the Hunt Move faster and enemies are highlighted for easier spotting.