The Providence Ship's Captain in Assassin's Creed 3

The Providence Ship's Captain does not like Haytham Kenway because of the delays he caused to the ship's schedule.


The Providence Upper Deck

Captain's Cabin


First Meeting[edit]

Haytham Kenway: Captain.

Captain: Mister Kenway

Haytham: I just wanted to thank you again for taking me aboard, and apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused.

Captain: Inconvenience would be an understatement

Haytham: I'm sorry, I don't follow

Captain: My ship was held in port for two days that we might accommodate you. I lost several contracts as a result.

Haytham: I had no idea

Captain: Of course not. You nobles are all the same

In the Captain's Cabin after the fight[edit]

Captain: Look - I don't want to argue. In fact, I need a favor

Haytham: Oh? This is rich...

Captain: I suspect some of the men intend to mutiny

Haytham: Really, what a surprise

Captain: As I cannot trust any of them, I am compelled to turn to you

Haytham: And why should I help you?

Captain: Because if they do intend to betray, I'm the only hope you have of reaching America alive. Well? What will it be?

Haytham: If what you say is true, what other choice do I have?

Captain: Thank y-

Haytham: But let me be clear, should you ever dare to insult or threaten me again, I'll not hesitate to cut off your head myself. Are we understood?

(Captain nods in fear)

Haytham: Excellent! Good day,

In your quarters on Day 28[edit]

Captain: Mister Kenway.

Haytham: Captain

Captain: Whatever they are up to - I believe it's coming to a head

Haytham: Then I'd best get to work.

In his office[edit]

Captain: You must expose whatever they're plotting

Haytham: Your crew's a tight lipped bunch but I'll see what I can do...

Captain: Well Hurry up!

Day 33 Start[edit]

Captain: Any news?

Haytham: Each night's the same. I scout one area and they drop the painted barrels from another. I'm going to need to recruit an extra pair of eyes. Maybe James or Mills.

Captain: Why are they doing this?

Haytham: Near as I can tell, the barrels serve as markers. They're leaving a trail I fear it is only a matter of time before whoever's following it -

Crewman: Ship sighted aft! She's making ready to fire!

Captain: Beat to quarters, men! Ready the... Brace! Everybody down!

(Shot fired)

Captain: A warning shot. It seems they don't mean to sink us, but board us instead. Man the cannons! Make ready to fight! (Turns to you) I want you below decks

Haytham: Why? Let me help you secure the ship

Captain: Do you know how to rig a sail? To load a cannon? To wage war at sea? I didn't think so. Now return to your cabin - or do I need to have you escorted?

Captain: Secure the hatch!

After the duel with Mills[edit]

Captain: I told you to stay below decks!

Haytham: I did what you asked, only Mills was there waiting for me. He's the one that drew that ship here. There was no mutiny. Only him.

Captain: What do they want?

Haytham: Me.

Captain: Then they can have you

Haytham: Is that so?

Captain: They'll catch us anyway... There's nothing to be done.

Haytham: I can think of something

Captain: You wish us to sail INTO the storm?

Haytham: It's our only chance

Captain: I won't do it

Haytham: Then I will

Captain: All right, All right

Later that day[edit]

Captain: We need those ropes secured... (Turns to you) I told you this was madness

Haytham: Calm down, I'll fix your sail for you

Captain: We need more speed! Loose the sails! Haytham - you take the foremast. James - to the main mast with you!

James: Aye, Aye

Day 72[edit]

Captain: Make ready for our arrival, men!

Haytham: Arrival? I see no land... only this interminable fog

Captain: The gulls tell us all we need to know. Climb into the crow's nest and you'll see.