The Providence Ship's Doctor in Assassin's Creed 3

The Providence has a doctor onboard. You can interact with him to talk and learn more about him and what he is doing on the ship.


Infirmary (Lower Deck)


Haytham Kenway: Good morning, Doctor

Doctor: To you as well

Haytham: A question, if I may. Do you serve aboard the ship? Or are you simply taking passage

Doctor: A bit of both, actually. I've been commissioned by the royal navy to study maritime illness. I'll be observing the crew during the journey. We have found that sailors fare far better on the open seas than the rest of us. I hope to discover why that is.

Haytham: Well, I hope you are successful in your endeavors.

Doctor: As do I. Thank you for the kind words.

after Investigating the Crew (Day 28)

Haytham: A word doctor, if you have a moment?

Doctor: Have you taken ill?

Haytham: Nothing like that. I was wondering if you'd heard any rumblings of trouble aboard.

Doctor: What sort of trouble?

Haytham: Unusual complaints or Grievances? Men taking issue with the Captain or the passengers?

Doctor: You sound just like James. Like I told him, I've been too busy with my research to notice anything not work-related

Haytham: And where might I find James?

Doctor: The galley's your best bet. Now, If you'll excuse me?