Retrieve the Stolen Chest in Assassin's Creed 3

"Retrieve the Stolen Chest" is an objective in the mission Johnson's Errand

You find the Stolen Chest inside the fort after Shooting the Powder Kegs


Mercenaries: Fall Back! Fall back! We'll be safe inside

Charles: What now?

Thomas: We can blow the door with those. Go on. Shoot'em... Guess they wasn't so safe inside after all... Bet this'll fetch a pretty penny

Haytham: Save your looting for AFTER we've found Johnson's Research.

Mercenary: Lay down your weapons and I'll consider letting you live

Haytham: I make you the same offer. We've no quarrel. I only wish to return this chest to its rightful owner.

Mercenary: Nothing rightful about Mister Johnson

Haytham: I won't ask again.

Mercenary: Agreed.