Assassin's Creed 3 Sequence 3: Haytham in Lexington

"Unconvinced" is the first memory to be relived in Sequence 3


Follow Lee on horseback

Find the mysterious woman

Pursue the mysterious woman

Find the mysterious woman

Speak with Kaniehti:io

Locate Edward Braddock

Beat up the attacks


Head into the Green Dragon. Talk with Lee to learn that your Mystery Woman is operating outside of Lexington. Explore Boston a little if you want, but the time with Haytham is drawing to a close.

Head out to Lexington. Without any Viewpoints available for Synchronizing, it is harder to get out to where Lee is. Just follow the main road forward. It may take a while but it will get you there without being overly difficult.

Mount up onto the nearby horse and start following Lee toward the camp.