Freedom Cry in AC4 Black Flag

The Freedom Cry miniseries is a side story of Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag that is told in DLC in several downloads.

The story stars Adewale as he takes revenge on his captors. It takes place 15 years after the events in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. Adewale is now a trained Assassin. He finds himself shipwrecked in Saint-Domingue with no weapons or crew.


Adewale Upgrades

Resistance Rewards

Liberation Rewards

Liberation Activities[edit]

Slave Auctions

Slave Convoys

Slave Escapees

Slave Jails

Slave Punishment

Slave Ships


The Calm Before The Storm

A Common Enemy

Laying The First Brick


A Ship Of His Own

Lifting The Veil

A Scientific Inquiry

Plant The Seeds

Down With The Ship

de Fayet's Last Stand