Locate Bartholomew Roberts

"Locate Bartholomew Roberts" is a mission objective in Sequence 12 / Memory 02: Royal Misfortune


Run and dive off the bow of the jackdaw. You need to find Roberts in Principe and he is not going to make that easy. Swim over to the to the to the rocks to the left of the tree hanging over the water. Duck into the Stalking Zone and look around for the Powder Kegs. This is a great way to clear out a number of guards so you no longer have to concern yourself about them.

After that head on up the slope to the North toward the view point. Fight on through to the Northeastern section of the Search Zone. There you will find Roberts. Attack him in some fashion, the Guards by him or reveal him using Eagle Vision to trigger his escape.

Next Objective[edit]

Take the wheel of the Jackdaw