
“Weathering the Storm” is a Naval Contract in Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag.

Location: Fort Punta Guarico

Difficulty: 1/5

Reward: 1200 R


“Greetings Privateer!

“I am currently engaged in a most lucrative Transaction with a Spanish Governor, but there is a British Fleet under the Misapprehension that the Goods in question belong to them. I would be eternally grateful if you could show them the Error of their Ways

“Signed: Milo Van Der Graff, Honest Businessman and Friend"


Your foes are 2 gunboats and 3 other ships. Enter into the area and locate the whole of this small fleet. Open with a Mortar barrage on the edges. This makes things easier for you to handle as it has the potential to simply sink the Gunboats and damage, if not cripple the other ships. As you begin your run against these ships, drop to half sail. The seas are turbulent for this encounter so the use of Mortar is recommended mixed with Swivel fire. Only use Broadsides and Heavy Shot when you are nearby your targets. otherwise it is likely you will miss with the Heavy Shot.