This page will have a guide to the treasure map you find in Petite Caverne in Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Treasure Map Location[edit]

The treasure map itself can be found on a cadaver in Petite Caverne, at coordinates (893,261):

Petitecavernecadavermapac4bf.jpg Petitecavernecadaverac4bf.jpg

Treasure Map Tool[edit]

This is the treasure map you find:


Coordinates indicate (70,405).

Note that the treasure chest itself is NOT located in Petite Caverne (where you got the treasure map from), but rather in Tulum:


Dig Site Location[edit]

Set a custom marker here:


Dig site is near a tree and some bushes, see screenshots below for help locating the buried treasure:

Tulumburiedtreasure2.jpg Tulumburiedtreasure1.jpg

Reward is 4,000 Reales