Tail The Guards

"Tail The Guards" is a mission objective in Sequence 7 / Memory 03: Commodore Eighty-Sixed


Go to the East after the guards. Duck into the nearby Stalking Zone and use Eagle Vision to tag them. You will notice they are surrounded by a Restricted Zone that will follow them. Take out the nearby guard from the Stalking Zone then head to the East and climb up onto the rooftops. Follow your targets from there to the East. Keep on the rooftops to avoid most of the trouble you can get into. Be sure to keep some rooftop between them and you just to keep the worries to a minimum.

When they pause in the town square, head toward the port. Dive from the top into the hay stack then start after them. Take advantage of the corners and blends here to make your life easier. They will make toward the Queen's Staircase after that. Follow them to the South, keeping along the edge of the cliff. Be sure to tag both of the Soldiers in this area with Sleep Darts to avoid getting into more trouble. Rush to the Southern edge of the cliff and then perform a Leap of Faith into the palm leaves below. Kill any of the guards that come close to you here just to keep a low profile.

Continue to the South into the nearby Stalking Zones. Slip to the South toward the tents. As you get to the Tents, you will need to rush some simply to keep up with the guards you are tailing. Take out the Brute who patrols the Southern path.

Next Objective[edit]

Kill Commodore Chamberlaine