Tail the rowboat

"Tail the rowboat" is a mission objective in Sequence 6 / Memory 03: Siege of Charles-towne


Jump off the boat and equip the Sleep Darts. You are going to want them very soon. Head over to the crates at the Western end of the dock. Take up a corner position on the Northern side. Wait for the rowboat to start moving. Head to the North now. The first crocodile can be found here. Tag it with a Sleep Dart and skin it if you are after the optional objectives.

Climb into the ruined hull of the ship. Climb up the far side and head over to the right. Continue right to the wide opening at the far right end. Pull yourself up onto the beam then start out onto the branch and beam in front of you. Cross over to the far side of the river using the beam to avoid being attacked by crocodiles.

Once other there keep going to the North. Do not go through the arch toward the guards. Instead head to the left of that. Climb up the scaffolding there. Turn to the North at the top and free run across the chapel to the far side. Wait for the rowboat to pass in front of you then cross over to the archway on the far side. Head along it to the West.

When you make it the ruined building, pause. The rowboat crew will hold a while as their passenger goes on for a minute about crocodiles. Perform a double assassination on the men below you. Head to the North and climb up the portion of collapsed wall. Go to the West across the beams. When you hit ground again, take up a corner position and wait A guard will head over to you. Perform a corner assassination on him. Wait for the crocodile to then attack the other guard. When the crocodile attacks, climb up the boxes ahead of you on the right.

Head to the North and climb up onto the next section of wall. Follow the rowboat as it winds through to the graveyard. Swing down into the Stalking Zone. Wait there and look at your targets. Wait for the group of soldiers to move. After that dash over to the East. Time to start an eavesdrop.

Next Objective[edit]

Eavesdrop on the conversation