This page has details on the treasure chest buried at coordinates (307,195)

Treasure Map Location[edit]

The treasure map for this treasure was found in Ambergris Key at (58,184):, following a tip from the Tavern in Corozal:

Ambergiskeyhallway.jpg Ambergiskeycadavermap.jpg

Treasure Map Screenshot[edit]

Screenshot of the treasure map:


Treasure Chest Location[edit]

The treasure chest is found in Misteriosa at (301,202)


Where to dig[edit]

Near a stone statue that was a stream of water coming out of its mouth, see screenshots below:

Misteriosabrueidtreasure1loc.jpg Misteriosaburiedtreasure2loc.jpg

Chest Contents[edit]

3,000 Spanish Reales and design plan for Elite Heavy Shot