Assassin's Creed Origins: Bring the book to the old man - The Book of the Dead

From Orcz
Bring the book to the old man is an objective in Assassin's Creed: Origins (ACO).



  • Make your way back to the North, going over the desert to return to Yamu.
  • Go to the marker found in the village, across from the docks.
  • Climb onto the rooftop to find the daughter of Beka.
  • She will inform Bayek that her father has passed on.

  • Turn to the North from the daughter and down off the rooftop you are on.
  • Follow the road to the North.
  • Go to the nearby Temple to the North.
  • Head into the Temple to the East.
  • Go straight for the second building in to the North.
  • Turn and head inside the building there.
  • You will find Beka lain out.
  • Interact with to have Bayek give him the Book of the Dead.
