Assassin's Creed Origins: Find and destroy the War Chariot at Athylla Outpost - In Protest

From Orcz
Find and destroy the War Chariot at Athylla Outpost is an objective in Assassin's Creed: Origins (ACO).



  • Talk with Europa in the Mareia Port.
  • She will explain that soldiers killed her husband because he refused to take less than he was initially offered.
  • They then stole the war chariot that he had more for them and took it to the nearby fort.

  • The chariot is easy to find, being in the local fort, Anthylla.
  • Look to the Northwest to find the fort with the war chariot.
  • The War Chariot starts in the Northern Central portion of the fort.
  • There are a few ways to get at the War Chariot.
  • You can sneak into the fort, or ambush the chariot once it begins moving.

  • There are a number of guards that you will need to deal with when it comes to this mission.
  • Head to the Northwest and approach the walls of the fort.
  • Go to the East and follow along the road, going to the Eastern side of the fort.
  • From there, sneak to the Eastern entrance.
  • Take cover either in the bushes just outside the fort wall or in the haystack inside them.
  • Wait for the Commander to come close to you, then whistle.
  • This will lure the Commander to either location where you can easily assassinate him.
  • You can head around this building to reach the chariot.
  • Board the chariot, if it is still in the fort, and ride it quickly out of the fort.
  • If it is not in the fort, hide in the hay or bushes and wait for it to start approaching.
  • You can use some of this time to clear out additional guards if they finding you, but try to keep disengaged.
  • There is a chance you can run the commander over on the way out, but it should not be a focus.
  • Ride the chariot out of the fort.
  • Go just down the hill, then you will want to destroy the chariot.

  • Destroying the chariot can take a bit of effort.
  • You can always drive it into a river, which will quickly destroy it.
  • Another option is to attack the chariot with your melee weapon until it is destroyed.
