Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Perform a Leap of Faith in a haystack while on a zipline - A Room With A View

From Orcz
Perform a Leap of Faith in a haystack while on a zipline is an optional mission objective in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (ACS)

"Perform a Leap of Faith in a haystack while on a ziplinePerform a Leap of Faith in a haystack while on a zipline" is an optional mission objective in Sequence 5 / Memory: A Room With A View


Head to the Northwestern corner of the top of the Monument. Look downward using Eagle Vision. This will let you easily identity the nearby haycart.

Perform a Leap of Faith in a haystack while on a zipline - A Room With A View

Look down and use your Rope Launcher to get in position over the haystack. Once you are, drop and Evie will fall into the Haystack below.

Perform a Leap of Faith in a haystack while on a zipline - A Room With A View

Optional Objectives[edit]
