0/3 is a mission objective in Assassin's Creed Unity: Dead Kings (ACU:DK)
0/3 is a mission objective in Assassin's Creed Unity: Dead Kings (ACU:DK)

"Iron keys found 0/3" is a mission objective in Stories of Franciade / The Eyes of the King


There are 3 People in various search areas that you need to track down and steal their keys from. They are spread all across Franciade.

Cemetery District[edit]

Iron keys found - The Eyes of the King

Head into the Cemetery district and go into the search area. Within it is a small restricted zone. Move toward that. Just to the Southeast of it you will find the person you are looking for. Clear out the local Raiders and then loot the body.

Northwest Cemetery District[edit]

Iron keys found - The Eyes of the King

Head to the large chapel in the Northwestern portion of the Cemetery district. On the Northern side of the chapel, in the graveyard, you will find one of the people you are looking for. You can either just pickpocket it from him or kill him and take his key.

Basilica District[edit]

Iron keys found - The Eyes of the King

Head to the central part of the Basilica district. Go to the mansion that sits inside it. Climb up to the second floor and go through the marked window. Just inside it you will spot your final target. Approach him from behind and steal the key off him.
