Solve the puzzle is a mission objective in Assassin's Creed Unity: Dead Kings (ACU:DK)

"Solve the puzzle" is a mission objective in Sequence 13 / Memory 06: A Crown of Thorns


Solve the puzzle - A Crown of Thorns

Another puzzle blocks your way to this Percursor artifact. Do yourself a massive favor and clear out any remaining enemies. First, pull out your lantern and light the braziers that are nearby the gate before the artifact. They will reveal the ink and the clues you will get.

Solve the puzzle - A Crown of Thorns

Each the Braziers has a symbol before it. They need to be lit in the right order for the gate to rise. If you look at the ground in front of the gate, you will see a sequence of symbols there.

The solution looks to be: 2,4,3,1

Optional Objectives[edit]
