Compound is a common resource that can be found on most planets in Astroneer

This page will list all the resources and where to find them, in the game Astroneer.

Usable Resources[edit]

Resource Rarity Found
Resin Common All planets
Compound Common All planets
Organic Common All planets
Hydrazine Uncommon All planets
Laterite Ore Uncommon All planets underground
Malachite Ore Uncommon All planets underground
Copper Rare Smelted from Malchite Ore
Aluminum Rare Smelted from Laterite Ore
Titanium Rare Radiated/Tundra Planets
Lithium Rare Radiated/Tundra Planets
Coal Very Rare Most planets?

Other Resources[edit]

Resource Note
Astronium Unusable
Carbon Unusable
Concrete Unusable
Hematite Unusable
Ice Unusable
Iron Unusable
Graphite Unusable
Scrap Unusable
Sediment Unusable
Steel Unusable
Water Unusable

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Coal is ubiquitous deep underground on several worlds.
  • Aluminium ore, copper ore, titanium, lithium, astronium and even coal can be found on the surface of some planets.
  • Coal is more common than compound on some planets, and on irradiated planets at least compound and resin appears to be rare
  • On frozen planet, compound is about 1% chance of availability. Very hard to find.
  • Lots of lithium and titanium are often found on the surface of arid