Defeat Varelsi Conservator in Battleborn.

"Defeat Varelsi Conservator" is an objective in The Experiment in Battleborn


Time for a boss fight to finish out this mission. The Varelsi Conservator is your main opponent here. It will start in a shielded ball just outside the Observatory. Pound away at it with your attacks to crack the shield and start inflicting direct damage to the Conservator.

Defeat Varelsi Conservator - The Experiment

This Conversator will largely be floating around the arena and directly attacking you. It can generate a temporary shield which makes it immune to any attack going against it. Any time it pauses, it will take some time to start regenerating its shield. You must break through the shield each time to start dealing damage to the Varelsi inside in.

Defeat Varelsi Conservator - The Experiment
