Disable shield in Battleborn.

"Disable shield" is an objective in The Sentinel in Battleborn


Drop off the ledge and head for the shield. You need to shut it down to get inside it.

Disable shield - The Sentinel

Around the area are switch pads that team members will need to stand on to disable the shields blocking doors to the Shard Pads powering the Shield itself. First, you will want to deal with all the Thralls in the area. This has you going against Thrall Gunners, Thrall Beastmasters (with their Summoned Thralls), Evolved Thralls and Primal Thrall. Clear out the thralls as you go around, following the wires to reach the various Shard Pads that are powering the shield.

There is one Shard pad found to the West of the Shield dome. It is very accessible and can easily be gotten to and destroyed.

Disable shield - The Sentinel
