Protect site while EMP charges in Battleborn.

"Protect site while EMP charges" is an objective in The Experiment in Battleborn


Go around the Observatory and replace any destroyed Turrets and Traps while the countdown commences and reaches zero. Have everyone gather in the middle initially to be sure of a strong defense there. From there, move toward the oncoming opposition. The first waves will be coming in front the North. Lots of Thralls will be dropping in to attempt to destroy the portal generator. Plenty of Summoned Thralls, Evolved Thralls and Thrall Enforcers will be coming after everyone. Clear out these thralls to complete the first wave.

Protect site while EMP charges - The Experiment

The second wave is a very different story from the first wave. You will be contending with the new incoming Varelsi that are coming through the newly opened portals in the area. You will start encountering Varelsi Marksman, Varelsi Skulks and much more. Get through this wave to trigger the final fight of the mission.

Protect site while EMP charges - The Experiment
