General Goods Vendor Lara from BDO.

Lara is a NPC in Black Desert Online.

Can be found in Heidel City.

Background Story[edit]

A Shai lady from Glish. She does business with Freharau in her faraway hometown to get the best potions, which she trades honestly in Heidel. She lives at the Orphanage.




Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • You can get another quest if you raise Lara's Amity high enough.
  • You can buy potions from her and other misc stuff.
  • Lara can exchange potions: If you give her 5 beginner HP potions, she will give you a small HP potion in return.


  • "I'm Lara, a potion merchant. Come to me when you're tired and exhausted."


  • Despite her difficult childhood as a war orphan, Lara is naturally kind and cheerful. She brightens the day of many she comes across.

Also see[edit]