Shaddap, Zeke. Whaddaya want -- (as he looks up and is surprised at Zero's appearance) ninja...guy? <Conv - MapEcho - ZeroC>
Can it, Zeke! Sorry-- I swear, it's impossible to keep that boy's mouth shut. <Conv - MapEcho - ZeroC>
Uh, I guess -- <Conv - MapEcho - ZeroC>
HOLY -- YOU CUT OFF HIS HEAD! <Conv - MapEcho - ZeroC>
HOLY SKAGSUCK, you decapitated Zeke! Why -- why's your helmet say "zero"? <Conv - MapEcho - ZeroD>
Uhm, uh -- the -- there are some pretty dangerous bandit clans -- <Conv - MapEcho - ZeroD>
The creatures around here are -- <Conv - MapEcho - ZeroD>
Uhm, the, uh...the vault? <Conv - MapEcho - ZeroD>
Uh, alien power, lots of danger -- a real challenge! Huge challenge! <Conv - MapEcho - ZeroD>