Clan War: Reach the Dead Drop
Clan War: Reach the Dead Drop

"Clan War: Reach the Dead Drop" is a side quest in Borderlands 2

Mission Type[edit]

Sidequest (Optional Mission)

Start location[edit]

The Dust

How to start[edit]

Speak to Jimbo Hodunk


Clan War: Reach the Dead Drop


Jimbo, who is translated by Tector, sends you into The Holy Spirits. Inside they apparently have a dead drop for you. Just head on over there to learn more about what the Hodunks want you to do.

You can find the dead drop on the mezzanine level of the Holy Spirits. Just head inside and go straight across. Take the stairs on up and go to the last table on the right. Underneath it you will find the ECHO recorder that has been stashed for you.

TURN IN: ECHO recorder/Hodunk Dead Drop


Money and XP

Mission Briefing[edit]

The Hodunks are ready to make their next move against the Zafords. Are you?

Mission Debriefing[edit]

You've found the Hodunk dead drop -- now it's time for some violence.