You can now get a Claptrap ringtone from

NOTE: To prevent spam, this page should only contain information about OFFICIAL ringtones. Please do not link to unofficial ringtones, the only links allowed here are to the ones hosted on

On December 12, 2012, Gearbox Software released official Claptrap and Mr. Torgue ringtones.

These can be downloaded at the official Borderlands 2 website, under "Downloads":

Also included there are Claptrap and Mister Torgue notifications

The ringtones and notifications are available for both Iphones (.m4r files) and Android devices (.wav files). The files need to be unzipped.

Where to download[edit]

Official Borderlands 2 website, under "Downloads":

List of Claptrap Ringtones[edit]

Each ringtone consists of Claptrap speaking a cool or funny quote from the game. The following are the phrases he says in the ringtones:

I'm just gonna go ahead and cloak now. You can't hear me crying if I cloak!


Sad and lonely, sad and lonely

Sorry. I was just thinking about the horrors I've seen since coming to Pandora

Heyyyyy. Wanna hear the new dubstep song I wrote

Oh God! They’re coming outta the wall-sphincters!

I will defend you to the death minion

I have no new jobs for you! Your eagerness has been noted, however..

Wubwubwub (WubWub song)

List of Claptrap Notifications[edit]

I am in this location

And Open

Can you see me cause I can't see you

Cmon Minion


Haha, I am alive



I got nothin

Just follow the silly

Lets go this way

Minion, roll out

Minions, your master needs help

No new missions sorry



Over here

Sickem minion

So lonely

This a way Minion

This way

Vanamos Minion

Whenever your ready buddy

You comin

You made it

See Also[edit]

Borderlands 2: Mister Torgue Ringtones

External links[edit]

Borderlands 2 Official Site