Flavor text on weapons/items in Borderlands 2

Please add new ones as you find them

"He is no more," but live in thankfulness that he was.

...but when I'm bad, I'm better.

...His hide turned the mightiest tame...

...to the grave.

a Rose by any other name...

Abt Natural

Also try Minecraft!

Because one barrel ain't enough, and two is too few.

Bees are coming!

Bison Bison had had had had had Bison Bison Bison shi shi shi.


Blarney, I say! 'Tis blarney!

Blows Up Everything!!!

Ceci n'est pas une sniper rifle!

De Da.

Did I fire six shots, or only five? Three? Seven. Whatever.

Dodge this.

Don't Retreat Instead Reload!

Evil will be SMASHED!!! WITH SMASHING!!! EVIL!!! SMASH!!! ER!!!

Fandir? Thirteen.

Fear the swarm!

Flak The World

Flee the Wave, Dude!

Float like a butterfly...

For an impenetrable shield stand inside yourself.

From the ashes she will rise.

full of bees.

Gar! Gorarr! My dad's a scientist! GWARRRR!!!!

Get off my lawn!

Give it a burl.

Good for starting fires.

Good things kill in threes.

Gun, Gunner!

Havin' a tea Partay drinkin' mah Teeea!

Hippity Hoppity!

His teeth made them flee in shame...

I am free now.

I can have such a thing?

I can see my house from here.

I don't want to set the world on fire...

I have a Soldier, a Siren, two Scooters and a Claptrap.

I infrequently perish.

I like being a gun.

I want that rifle, Daddy!

If thumping you is wrong, I don't want to be right.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

in Spain, stays mainly on the plain.

It's a Madhouse! A MADHOUSE!!!

It's actually a fairly rational fear in this case.

It's closer than you think! (no it isn't)

Je suis enchante, Ou est le bibliotheque?

Kiki got a shotgun

Let's just ping everyone all at once.

Love is a Lady Finger. True Love is a Lady Fist.


Makes your brain hurt.

Man Killer

Monty's wife don't take no guff.

Movement speed increased when depleted.


Name dropper.


Octo means 9.

Oh, sorry, was that your head?

Pele humbly requests a sacrifice, if it's not too much trouble.


Shoulda stopped at one.

Situation normal...

Sometimes lightning does strike twice.

Speed kills.

Spread the sickness.

The Executioner has arrived.

The gun of the Bulls.

The Horde will always return!

The Lead Wind Blows!

The Legend Lives

There's more than your eye can see.

Thinking outside the box.


Torgue got more BOOM!

Vlad would be proud.

We don't need no fire...

What do you mean...theoretically?

What play thing can you offer me today?

When I'm good, I'm very good...

When Law is in your hands any melee damage you deal also heals you.

Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried.

Who's a widdle gunny wunny!!!

Would I lie to you?

Wow, I CAN do this all day.

Yeah, booze'll do that to ya...

You are the center of the universe.

you know... for him.

yup. back.