Gentleman's Storm is a Pearlescent Weapon in Borderlands 2
Gentleman's Storm
Main Attributes[edit]
Rarity: Cyan (Pearlescent)
Type: Sniper Rifle
Level Requirement: 53
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Value: $573,842
Weapon Stats[edit]
Damage: 27329
Accuracy: 97.1
Fire Rate: 1.1
Reload Speed: 4.0
Magazine Size: 6
Electrocute Dmg/Sec: 5203.1
Chance to Shock: 56.3%
Status Effects and Other Bonuses[edit]
"Tut. Tut. it looks like rain." (red text effect)
+120% Critical Hit Damage
Deals bonus elemental damage
Highly effective vs Shields