Inconceivable is a skill in Borderlands 2. It is part of the Rampage Skill Tree belonging to Salvador the Gunzerker.



Level Requirement[edit]



Your shots have a chance to not consume ammo. The lower your health and shields, the greater the chance of free ammo.

Number of Ranks[edit]

Inconceivable can be increased to up to 5 ranks


Up to xx% chance of shots to not consume ammo (Percent increases with skill level)

Inconceivable Rank 1[edit]

Chance of Free Ammo: Up to 10%

Inconceivable Rank 2[edit]

Chance of Free Ammo: Up to 20%

Inconceivable Rank 3[edit]

Chance of Free Ammo: Up to 30%

Inconceivable Rank 4[edit]

Chance of Free Ammo: Up to 40%

Inconceivable Rank 5[edit]

Chance of Free Ammo: Up to 50%