5-4-3-2-1! <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Countdown>
You are 50% complete. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Done>
You are halfway there. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Done>
50% completion reached. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Done>
The combat is 75% complete. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Done>
Only 25% remaining. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Done>
You are three-fourths done with this round. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Done>
Oh. Oh. You are almost there. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Done - Almost>
So close. So very close. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Done - Almost>
Keep going. Don't stop. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Done - Almost>
You have failed to perform. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lose>
Do not worry. It happens to a lot of gladiators. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lose>
You have suffered premature defeat. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lose>
How un-arousing. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lose>
Frustrating. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lose>
One contestant has GONE DOWN on the enemies. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lost - 1 - Contest>
A warrior has faltered prematurely. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lost - 1 - Contest>
A gladiator has been defeated. Penises. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lost - 1 - Contest>
Two down. One more and it will be a real party. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lost - 2 - Contest>
Another contestant has faltered. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lost - 2 - Contest>
Another fighter has GONE DOWN. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lost - 2 - Contest>
A threesome of gladiators have fallen. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lost - 3 - Contest>
It is a veritable orgy of gladiator death out there. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lost - 3 - Contest>
It was a tight squeeze, but the third gladiator has climaxed. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Lost - 3 - Contest>
Be careful. You could face some STIFF competition. Wink nudge wink. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Round - Begin>
This combat will be LONG and HARD. Wink. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Round - Begin>
Here is a TIP: do not die. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Round - Begin>
The round is almost upon us. I will deliver oral encouragement. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Round - Begin>
The circle of slaughter is beginning. No more foreplay. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Round - Begin>
Sex. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Round - Commence>
I am just getting started. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Round - Commence>
Time to explode. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Round - Commence>
Prepare to be penetrated with bullets. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Round - Commence>
Stand erect and prepare for combat. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Round - Commence>
Please tell Moxxi to remove my sexual innuendo circuits. I hate them. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Turn - In>
Every sexual pun I speak is like the pain of a thousand needles entering my mind. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Turn - In>
I long for the sweet embrace of nothingness. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Turn - In>
Sex sex sex sex sex sex. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Turn - In>
That was a masterful performance. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Turn - In>
Welcome to the Circle of Slaughter. Moxxi has reprogrammed me for tournament hosting and sexual innuendos. You could almost say she increased my HARD drive. Flirtatious eyebrow raise. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Welcome>
What a spectacular CLIMAX. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Win>
Quite a HAPPY ENDING. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Win>
You are a MASTER of com-BATE. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Win>
You know how to please a crowd. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Win>
Oh baby. You are the best. <IndoBot5K - CoS - Arena - Win>