Kai's ECHO Recorder

Kai's ECHO Recorder is an item found in Borderlands 2 during the quest The Chosen One


An episode of the Kai's Korner ECHOcast



Kai: Welcome, welcome, faithful listeners, to Kai's Korner, episode ninety-eight. Pandora is crap. Nobody's heard of me here. Uh, hello? Five billion ECHOcast subscribers. Maybe get outta the stone age, douchebags.

Marcus: It IS you!

Kai: Finally! A fan. Yes. Kai, Kai's Korner. Autograph costs a buck.

Marcus: No, no no - it is YOU! The chosen one!

Kai: Chosen - chosen one?

Marcus: Quickly, into my store! We haven't a moment to lose!


Kai: I... I'm an ECHOcast host, not a hero. You can't be saying--

Marcus: The prophecies spoke of a man who would come to Sanctuary, forever speaking into an ECHO recorder. He would be a humble of unknown origins --

Kai: -- Uh, I've got five billion subscribers?

Marcus: A very famous man, beloved the galaxy over! he would wield the... Evil... Smasher forged by my own hand, and save oru galaxy forever!

Kai: ... Me? Save the world? I don't know...

Marcus: It is your calling! You MUST Purchase the Evil Smasher from me and save our planet! You'll be rewarded with riches, fame! Moxii's hand in marri

Kai: -- How much for the Evil Smasher?!!

Marcus: Two million dollars.


Kai: Faithful listeners... I am going to save the galaxy. Armed with the Evil Smasher, given to me by the wise seer Marcus, I will head into the heart of Sawtooth Cauldron and cleanse it of evil. I always knew I was destined for greater things - I must go find my destiny, listeners. For justice! For glory! For Moxxi! CHAAAAAARGE!