Magic Slaughter: Round 2

Complete Waves is an objective of the side quest Magic Slaughter Round 2

Wave 1[edit]

This is the easiest wave by far. You are up against a variety of Dwarves. At first it is just Dwarf Warriors and Miners. Then it comes to include Demented Drawfzerkers. This round sets you up against Knights of a great many kinds. This includes Exalted Paladins, Knight Templars. They are backed up by the same mix of dwarves as the last wave at the end of it. The Crystal will likely lower during this time as well. Take it out before it can do anything to you.

The second round of Dwarves is followed by more Knights

Wave 2[edit]

The second wave is Dwarves followed by more Knights. There are a few Squires in there are as well.

Wave 3[edit]

This wave is mostly Dwarves and Knights.

Wave 4[edit]

Once again you are up against Dwarves and knights. As you close on the end of the wave through Wizards will be brought into the arena. They are all likely the same type and moving around a lot.