This is interesting technology. I wonder how it -- oh, god, I sound atrocious. <Ep12 - Pt3>
Uh...hi. <Conv - MapEcho - MayaA>
--Sophis, could I have a word? <Conv - MapEcho - MayaA>
For years, you've said I'd be out there exploring -- not...smiling and giving speeches. <Conv - MapEcho - MayaA>
(through a forced smile) Keep calling me "child" and see what happens, jackass. <Conv - MapEcho - MayaA>
Brother Sophis -- I've found something! <Conv - MapEcho - MayaB>
Research notes from an archaeologist on Pandora. <Conv - MapEcho - MayaB>
Yeah! It sounds incredible. But this archaeologist says that Sirens have some sort of connection to Eridium, and the vaults -- <Conv - MapEcho - MayaB>
If I travelled to Pandora, I could learn even more about my Siren lineage -- <Conv - MapEcho - MayaB>
You keep saying I'm gonna defend this planet -- I've trained for years, but I've never actually fought any of this "evil" the order's always on about. <Conv - MapEcho - MayaB>
Don't call me "child." <Conv - MapEcho - MayaB>
What's going on? What is this? <Conv - MapEcho - MayaC>
Who are these people? <Conv - MapEcho - MayaC>
What? To execute unarmed men? <Conv - MapEcho - MayaC>
What is this man guilty of? <Conv - MapEcho - MayaC>
What? <Conv - MapEcho - MayaC>
Ah, to hell with it. <Conv - MapEcho - MayaC>
Twenty-seven years. For twenty-seven years you've been using me to keep these people frightened, haven't you? <Conv - MapEcho - MayaD>
SHUT UP! You didn't want me to protect this planet! You wanted me to keep it scared, keep me locked up so these people would do what you asked. Nobody's gonna disobey the Order if they've gotta face the wrath of a Siren -- is that it?! <Conv - MapEcho - MayaD>
Don't. Call me. "Child." Everyone, get outta here! You have nothing to fear from the order anymore -- I'm leaving. <Conv - MapEcho - MayaD>
To Pandora. <Conv - MapEcho - MayaD>
I'm gonna find some answers. <Conv - MapEcho - MayaD>
Day two on Pandora. Nobody here's used to seeing a Siren. Half the people I’ve met wanna worship me -- the other half wanna turn me over to Hyperion. Still, it’s a nice change of pace from the abbey -- at least here, the bad guys stab you from the front. I haven’t found a shred of info about Sirens -- the closest I’ve got to a lead on Siren history are legends of an alien Vault. It’s not much to go on, but it’s something -- maybe if I find this Vault I’ll find out where the hell Sirens come from. Or maybe I’ll prove Brother Harker right and take a bullet to the head five minutes from now. We’ll see how my week goes. <Maya - INVEcho>