A data recorder belonging to Professor Nakayama in the DLC3 of Borderlands 2

Prof' Nakayama's Data Recorder is a quest item in Sir Hammerlock's Game Hunt DLC in Borderlands 2




A recording of the most extreme super deadly evil genius villain extraordinaire Pandora has ever seen. No, really!


Data Recorder #1[edit]

Oh... My... God... Today has been... I was sent to his turbo mansion to deliver some Eridium... Oh... the sound of his voice... such wisdom, such handsomeness... I don't remember exactly what he said, something about how he would strangle me if I didn't break eye contact with him.. but ohhhhhh.... ohhhh.... I am the happiest man alive.

Data Recorder #2[edit]

I am the saddest man alive! (Crying)... Handsome Jack is dead... some Vault Hunter killed him in cold blood... I will make it my life's goal to bring Handsome Jack back and kill the vault hunter who slew him! This is my vow! (Heavy Crying)

Data Recorder #3[edit]

Nakayama: I am the smartest man alive! I am going to clone Handsome Jack using a fearsome piece... then use that piece to kill the vault hunter. The Terminus is about to touch down in Aegrus...

Terminus Computer: Auto Pilot disengaged

Nakayama: Are we crashing? Why are we crashing?

Claptrap: My bad!

Data Recorder #4[edit]

I am the most ambivalent man alive! We've just crashed on Aegrus. My plan is set in motion and the vault hunter has just arrived... unfortunately he has escaped my every attempt to kill him... just keep it together... what would Jack do?