Prudential Norfleet is a orange Rocket Launcher in Borderlands 2
It drops from Vermivorous the Invincible (prefix and stats for the Norfleet you get will vary. Other than Fire Norfleet there is a Corrosive Norfleet called Pertinent Norfleet, a Slag Norfleet called Parataxis Norfleet, Parelectronomic Norfleet which is a Shock Norfleet, and another fire Norfleet called Punitory Norfleet)
Main Attributes[edit]
Rarity: Orange (Legendary)
Type: Rocket Launcher
Level Requirement: 40-50
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Value: $75,627-$80,000
Weapon Stats[edit]
Damage: 214851x3
Accuracy: 85.2
Fire Rate: 1.1
Reload Speed: 5.4
Magazine Size: 4
Burn Dmg/Sec: 4327.1
Chance to Ignite: 30.0%
Status Effects and Other Bonuses[edit]
"Blows Up Everything!!!" (red text effect)
Deals bonus elemental damage
Highly effective vs Flesh
ALso creates air bubbles when detonated