Reach Helios crash site is an objective in Borderlands 2 (Borderlands2).

Reach Helios crash site is an objective in the Story Mission, A Hard Place in Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith and the Fight For Sanctuary


  • Inside the Burrows, continue to the West, past all the plants along the path in front of you.
  • Make your way West until the path opens up to a large area with some pools of water.
  • As you start crossing here, some Infected Pods will crash and plant themselves, growing quickly.
  • You will also encounter a number of Sand Worms here that will be trying to either spit at you or eat you.
  • Go to the South and then follow the tunnel there to the West.
  • There will be in Infected Pods leaving spores to fill the area, so be sure to watch your infection gauge.
  • In the first large chamber, expect to encounter a Badass Lichenthrope.
  • They will be aided by Infected Sprouts.
  • Clear them out or simply sprint through to the West.
  • This leads to an area with a large cracked wall to the Southwest.
  • Take the ramp upwards to the top of the wall.
  • Follow this to the West and toward the lowered gate that you can see in front of you.
  • Approach the gate to meet Brick.
