Tector hodunk
Oooh, baby -- that's the cash. Wax that bagman and take what they got. <FamFuedRainbow> TectorHodunk
The fuck do you mean, YOUR soldier? They's with us! <FamFuedFiddle>
We ain't sittin' for more Zaford lies! Time to END THIS! <FamFuedFiddle>
Paw says, DIE! <FamFuedFiddle>
Hey, buddy! We got the Zafords in our crosshairs out by the Lynchwood train station -- come meet us and we can end this clan feud for good! <FamFuedFiddle>
Hell with that! Shoot Mick! <FamFuedFiddle>
No, shoot the Zafords! <FamFuedFiddle>
THEY burned our goddamn homes to the fucking ground! <FamFuedFiddle>
Shoot HIM! <FamFuedFiddle>
This is a planet-wide ECHO requestin' strong, loyal soldiers who don't ask too many questions! Help the Hodunk family defeat the Zaford cusshounds! <FamFuedFirst>
Paw wants your help wagin’ war on those puke-green Zafords. Yer gonna clean out their cash stash for us. We got a dead drop out in the Highlands with all the details -- go geddit. <FamFuedRainbow>
The Zafords got a secret cash stash around here, but we ain’t sure where -- their bagman leaves the Zaford bar every so often. Paw wants you to tail him to the stash, then rob the place -- but DON'T get too close to him! <FamFuedRainbow>
That there's the bagman! Follow him to the cash stash but don't get too close! <FamFuedRainbow>
You let ?im spot you! You'll never get in the stash now! <FamFuedRainbow>
Bet yer wonderin' how this whole feud started, ain't ya? Zaford's great-grandaddy nearly kilt Gramma Hodunk. We been fightin' ever since -- simple as that. <FamFuedRainbow>
Don't get so close, man. <FamFuedRainbow>
Back off -- he nearly seen ya. <FamFuedRainbow>
Keep your distance, man. <FamFuedRainbow>
Just loot the place -- keep the money. Consider it a gift. Just wanna make sure those greenskins don't got it no more. <FamFuedRainbow>
Looks like he dropped a key. You'll need that to get out. <FamFuedRainbow>
Great job, grinder -- I'll see ya back in the Dust! <FamFuedRainbow>
Paw says "thanks." <FamFuedRainbow>
You made it to the cash stash! Now, wax that bagman and take what they got. <FamFuedRainbow>
Paw says you can open all them cashboxes now that you got the Bagman's key. <FamFuedRainbow>
Ah, damn -- paw's gotta go to the bathroom. Let's go, paw. <FamFuedRainbow>
What in the hell's goin' on out there?! <FamFuedTrailer>
The Zafords have gone too far! We need a killer, and we need 'em now! <FamFuedTrailer>
The Zafords burned our homes to the ground. You're gonna crash their annual wake for their dead boy Lucky.The Zafords won't let ya into the wake if yer sober, though. There's a bar in Sanctuary, run by a traitor we Hodunks don't talk about. Go there now and get wasted. <FamFuedWakey>
Get a beer from that disgustin' she-devil. <FamFuedWakey>
Keep gluggin' that booze. Zafords won't let ya into the bar unless you're so drunk that Ellie looks like she's got Moxxi's curves, heh-- <FamFuedWakey>
Right. Sorry, paw. We don't talk about those heathens what left the clan. My mistake. <FamFuedWakey>
You seein' double yet? Get inside the Zaford bar before that booze wears off! <FamFuedWakey>
What happened to your buzz? I told ya, get drunk or you can't get in! <FamFuedWakey>
Didn't I just say you had to be drunk ta get in? Find a bar and get plastered! <FamFuedWakey>
Take yer time. Find a good spot to start the shootin'. Then kill 'em all. <FamFuedWakey>
Was Mick not there? Ah -- the prick was probably out gettin' more booze. Ah, well. Come on back. <FamFuedWakey>
Papa Jimbo sees that disgustin' Zaford emblem, and he accepts your challenge, Mick Zaford! THE SEAS WILL RUN GREEN WITH ZAFORD BLOOD!!! <FamFuedWar>
Hey, Little Linda Loo -- I heard you askin’ why we gotsta kill Zafords. Two reasons, baby. First reason? Generations ago, a skagsuckin’ bastard named Connor Zaford took advantage of Grandma Hodunk, then nearly kilt her to keep things quiet. He used his big, green fangs to rip into her flesh, over and over. And we Hodunks can’t forgive a sin like that, can we? That’s the first reason we kill ‘em, sweetie. The second reason’s that if you don’t, we’ll have shoot you right between your purdy little blue eyes for goin’ against the family. And none of us want that, do we? <MapEcho - Dust>
You still stickin' it to the Zafords? <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - During>
Paw wants to know if you're finished with that job. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - During>
The hell's takin' you so long with that job? <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - During>
Good to see ya here. Better to stick with us than those friggin Zafords. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - Idle>
Once we're done with the Zafords, maybe paw will finally let us hunt down those traitors who left the family. Couple of 'em are in Sanctuary, but I'll get to 'em soon enough. Oh yes. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - Idle>
I'll be honest -- yer starin' is kinda makin' me uncomfortable. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - Idle>
(sigh of relief, like sitting down) <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - Mumble>
(noise of pushing a box) <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - Mumble>
Well, that's definitely a thing. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - Mumble>
Hey, paw. Paw! Eh, nevermind. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - Mumble>
I wonder what it's like to touch a lady. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - Mumble>
Ready to hit them Zaford boys? <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - New>
Zafords gotta go, friend. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - New>
You wanna help out the family? <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - New>
Paw ain't got nothin' for ya. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - No - New>
Paw says we gotta wait for now. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - No - New>
No new jobs for ya. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - No - New>
Paw says the time is right to strike a blow against them heathen Zafords. Get to the Dust! <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - Reminder>
Wish we had ten more soldiers like you, bud. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - Turn - In>
I could hear them Zafords cryin' all the way back here. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - Turn - In>
Good job out there. <TectorHodunk - Quest - NPC - Turn - In>