Vengeful Stalker is a Pearlescent pistol in Borderlands 2
Vengeful Stalker is a Pearlescent pistol in Borderlands 2

Vengeful Stalker is an Pearlescent Weapon in Borderlands 2


Dva Stalker

Purging Stalker

Resolute Stalker

Righteous Stalker

Unending Stalker

Vengeful Stalker

Main Attributes[edit]

Rarity: Cyan (Pearlescent)

Type: Pistol

Level Requirement: 61

Manufacturer: Vladof

Value: $722,831

Weapon Stats[edit]

Damage: 36435

Accuracy: 76.6

Fire Rate: 11.5

Reload Speed: 2.3

Magazine Size: 41

Chance to Slag: 18%

Status Effects and Other Bonuses[edit]

"You can run, but you cant hide." (red text effect)

Slagged Enemies take more damage