Find Sun Smasher chief is an objective in Borderlands 3 (Borderlands3).

Find Sun Smasher chief is an objective in the Story Mission, From The Ground Up in Borderlands 3


  • With this plan revealed, it is time to head out.
  • Go to the North from Lilith, leaving the building.
  • This will bring you into the Droughts.
  • Continue to the North, and go over to the right.
  • Follow Lilith up to the stairs nearby to learn a little more about what is going on.
  • She will head into the Crimson Command.
  • On the Northern side of Crimson Command you can find a very useful Ammo Dump and Dr Zed's Meds.
  • Stock up and head out.
  • Head off from Crimson Command to the North.
  • Climb up the nearby cliff to the North onto the shipping crate and onto the nearby walkway.
  • From there, go up the slope over to the East to encounter the next group of COV.
  • You will start encountering Fanatics, Shotgun Tink, Tink, Psycho.
  • This will lead you into the Sun Smasher Camp.
  • Fight your way through to the East through the COV mentioned.
  • Go down the slope and then up the next one.
  • In this section, turn to the North and start fighting toward the next section.
  • Turn to the Northwest and toward the back of the area.
  • From there, go to the West and into the building in the back.
  • This will lead you to a small area with Vaughn.
  • Simply head into the opening to meet him, entering into Warchief's Domain.
