Find poster with profile view is an objective in Borderlands 3 (Borderlands3).

Find poster with profile view is an objective in the Side Quest, Golden Calves in Borderlands 3


  • Having talked with Vaughn, it is time to head to Ascension Bluff.
  • Travel to the Northeastern section of the map, North of the path leading to the Holy Broadcast Center.
  • Along the path toward the Holy Broadcast Center, as you reach the first stone arch, turn to the left.
  • Follow this path North to find the large bandit camp that you are looking for.
  • Go past the large stone formation with the COV graffiti on it and head to the slope beyond that and the metal archway after that.
  • Follow this path up the slope from there to reach the camp.
  • Go up the slope to the East to start going into the camp itself.
  • Be on guard for Psychos as you enter the main body of the camp.
  • This first building, after having passed under the bridge, has one of the posters you are looking for on its Northern face.
  • Clear out the nearest COV and interact with it to claim the Profile View Poster that you need.
