Means of Destruction is a Skill in Borderlands 3.

Means of Destruction is a skill in Borderlands 3. It is part of the Demolition Woman Tree belonging to Moze.


V-35 Grenade Launcher

Level Requirement[edit]


Whenever Moze deals Splash Damage, there is a chance to add ammo to hear currently equipped weapon's magazine, with a smaller chance to return a grenade.

Number of Ranks[edit]

Means of Destruction can be increased to up to 5 ranks


Means of Destruction Rank 1[edit]

  • Ammo Chance: +3.3%
  • Grenade Chance: +2.0%

Means of Destruction Rank 2[edit]

  • Ammo Chance: +6.7%
  • Grenade Chance: +4.0%

Means of Destruction Rank 3[edit]

  • Ammo Chance: +10.0%
  • Grenade Chance: +6.0%