Access tunnels to Veins of Helios in Borderlands: The Presequel (BL:TPS)
"Access tunnels to Veins of Helios" is a mission objective in the story/side mission "Watch Your Step" in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Make your way to the Southeastern corner of the Hyperion Hub of Heroism. This will bring you to Helios Access Tunnel #27-B.
Fight through the Lost Legion Marines that are guarding the area. Head for the console on the far side of the tracks. Interact with it and you will be able to access the tunnel ahead. The door below "Inner Hull Under Construction" will open.
Watch Your Step Mission Objectives[edit]
- Access tunnels to Veins of Helios
- Traverse Veins of Helios
- Exit airlock
- Enter Central Maintenance
- Breach Lost Legion defenses
- Destroy regulators on plasma booster A 0/3
- Destroy regulators on plasma booster B 0/3
- Get to the safe distance
- Traverse Veins of Helios
- Enter command station
- Activate fast travel
- Activate remote shutdown sequence
Turn in: Jack