Bottled Courage is one of Nisha's skills in Borderlands: The Presequel (BL:TPS)
Bottled Courage is a skill in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
It is one of Nisha the Lawbringer's skills.
Bottled Courage belongs to Nisha's Fan the Hammer Skill Tree.
Bottled Courage has 5 ranks (you can spend up to 5 points on it)
When Showdown begins, a portion of your Shield is instantly restored. Also, while Showdown is Cooling Down, you gain improved Shield Recharge Rate and Shield Recharge Delay.
Effects per rank[edit]
Showdown restores 10% of Shields
Shield Recharge Rate: +7%
Shield Recharge Delay: -7%
Strategy Guide/Tips/Tricks[edit]
- This ability can increase Nisha's survivability