Drop the Hammer is one of Claptrap's skills in Borderlands: The Presequel (BL:TPS)

Drop the Hammer is a skill in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

It is one of Claptrap the Fragtrap's skills.

Drop the Hammer belongs to Claptrap's Boomtrap Skill Tree.

Drop the Hammer has 5 ranks (you can spend up to 5 points on it)




Reloading your weapon increases your Fire Rate and Reload Speed but makes your Accuracy worse for a few seconds

Effects per rank[edit]

Fire rate: +5 (per level)%
Reload Speed: +5 (per level)%
Accuracy: -2 (per level)%

Strategy Guide/Tips/Tricks[edit]

  • Basic skill for making you shoot faster, but accuracy gets a small penalty