Find keycard in Borderlands: The Presequel (BL:TPS)

"Find keycard" is a mission objective in the story/ mission "Science and Violence" in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel


Turn to the South from Dr. Grayson. Head down the corridor there and turn to the East. This will lead you directly to De Quidt Synaptic Processing. Head inside and make your way over to the far side of the room.

Find keycard - Science and Violence

On the far side of the room you will find more Stalkers. This time you will encounter some Ambush Stalkers, Badass Stalker and X-STLK-23. Your main focus should be X-STLK-23. The problem is all the other stalkers that are in the fight as well. Thin them out then focus on X-STLK-23.

Find keycard - Science and Violence

Whenever you kill X-STLK-23 be sure to finish off the other Stalkers as well. It makes it a lot easier as Dr. Grayson won't open the door until they're dead later. After that, look around for the corpse of X-STLK-23 to get the Keycard.

Science and Violence Mission Objectives[edit]

Turn in: Jack