"Return family photo" is a mission objective in the story mission "Science and Violence" in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Wait for Dr. Langois to open the door for you. Approach him after that, when he is done talking, and give him the Family Photo. He will open a loot chest for you. Then open the way into the Aquatics area. Time to hunt down the second scientist.
Science and Violence Mission Objectives[edit]
- Find first colleague
- Go to observation area 11-B
- Find family photo
- Return to Doctor Langois
- Kill stalkers 0/3
- Return family photo
- Find second colleague
- Drain aquarium
- Open aquarium door
- Grab teddy bear
- Return teddy bear
- Find last colleague
- Find keycard
- Unlock door
- Return to Doctor Grayson
- Take cloaking device
- Return to Jack's Office
- Talk to Jack
- Give Jack cloaking Device
- Lock door
Turn in: Jack