"Return to Doctor Langois" is a mission objective in the story mission "Science and Violence" in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Use the button on the right-hand side of the door to open it. Make your way back through the Stalker Biome. Some more Needle and Spring Stalkers likely have spawned. Just get back there. Dr. Langois will open the door to let you in. AFter you kill the stalkers.
Science and Violence Mission Objectives[edit]
- Find first colleague
- Go to observation area 11-B
- Find family photo
- Return to Doctor Langois
- Kill stalkers 0/3
- Return family photo
- Find second colleague
- Drain aquarium
- Open aquarium door
- Grab teddy bear
- Return teddy bear
- Find last colleague
- Find keycard
- Unlock door
- Return to Doctor Grayson
- Take cloaking device
- Return to Jack's Office
- Talk to Jack
- Give Jack cloaking Device
- Lock door
Turn in: Jack